I just love the Fall. One of my FAV activities is carving pumpkins! Last night our friend's, Amy and Heyward, hosted a Pumpkin Carving Party and Contest. I was blown away with how "seasonal" Amy had decorated her home, and despite the rainy weather...the show must go on. They set up two long buffet tables covered in plastic orange table cloths and tarped the floor in a side living room in their house. After munching on pimento cheese, beanie weinies, mini-meatballs, olive spread, and of course CANDY, we got to carving. Jr. and I found our GIANT pumpkins at my least favorite discount store - ugghhh...WALMART. But I have to say, they were perfect carving pumpkins: big, flat fronts, and curly stems. And only $4.99. What a steal!
Jr. decided to free hand a Grateful Dead, Steal Your Face/Spooky pumpkin. (my little redneck hippie!) Some opted for classic grins. I chose "The Headless Horseman". I have to admit, I loosely used the stencil kit. But in the end, it was 3/4ths my creation. We had a good ole time. Cutting off the tops, scooping out the guts, and intensely competing for the best creation. Surprisingly, Heyward pulled off a pretty-perfect skeleton face in record time. In the end, not to brag...but I won! Just as the sky started to let loose, Jr. and I called it a night. With two carved pumpkins in hand, a few seasonal pumpkin brews in our bellys, my winning prize of wine and candy apple (from the fair...yum!), and soaked yellow lab in tow...we jumped into his truck for a wet ride home.
For a great collection of stencils, pumpkin carving hits, and more, go to http://www.thepumpkinlady.com/.
Also, give a shout out to loyal Blonde Appetit reader and fellow blogger, Oh My Goff. Her television station up in DC, WUSA 9, has their own pumpkin stencil.
http://www.pumpkinlady.com/media.htm WooHoo! Girl, you are BIG time!
You can even try your hand at Abraham Lincoln. Weird!
When I was a kid, my mom would always make Roasted Pumpkin Seeds as a post-carving treat. They are quick, nutritious, and delicious!
Hilda's Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
courtesy: Emeril Lagasse
1 1/3 cups pumpkin seeds, cleaned and rinsed
2 teaspoons garlic powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon crushed red pepper
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
Spray a baking sheet with nonstick cooking spray. Combine the pumpkin seeds with the garlic powder, salt, crushed red pepper, and black pepper on prepared baking sheet and toss to combine. Bake for about 15 minutes, or until seeds are crispy and light golden brown. Remove from the oven and stir with a spatula or wooden spoon to release any seeds that have stuck to the baking sheet, and cool completely before serving.
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
Spray a baking sheet with nonstick cooking spray. Combine the pumpkin seeds with the garlic powder, salt, crushed red pepper, and black pepper on prepared baking sheet and toss to combine. Bake for about 15 minutes, or until seeds are crispy and light golden brown. Remove from the oven and stir with a spatula or wooden spoon to release any seeds that have stuck to the baking sheet, and cool completely before serving.
Roasted seeds will keep in an airtight storage container for up to 1 week. Yield: 1 1/3 cups
Cook's Note: recipe may be scaled up proportionately.
Thanks for the shout out blondie! You need to post pics of the pumpkins girl- GIVE US SOME EYE CANDY!! Love ya.. can't wait to see you next week!
Those are my pumpkins...down right purty ain't they. Mine is the 2nd on from the left. Jr.'s looks like an alien head. ha!
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