You Are What You Eat

Eat, Drink, and Be Merry!

Monday, January 26, 2009

What's going on between my ears and in my mouth...

Do you ever have random thoughts?

Of course you do...

Here are few that are spinning around my head right now:

1. Are these girls on the Bachelor serious?

2. Mmmmm. Rosemary and Olive Oil Triscuit Crackers are so addicting!

3. Don't girls realize that needy is NOT attractive?.

4. Speaking of needy, there is a Jennifer Aniston Special on E!.

5. Sometimes when your life is spinning out of control, a nice, helpful person is a lifesaver.

6. As is a friendly person. So be nice, helpful, and friendly. Maybe someone else is having their bad day.

7. Cheese is my weakness. Tonight I am making my traditional single gals dinner. Portabellos topped with yummy goodness. Tonight it is a little olive oil and Horseradish Cheddar Cheese from Boar's Head. Broil on low for about 10min. Then top with cheese until it melts.

8. Publix has the BEST fresh food. From the salad, to dips, to hmmmmm...cheese!

9. Paula Deen hits the nail on the head with her house mix. Toss veggies in olive oil, garlic, salt, and pepper. That's all you need.

10. LaCroix sparkling water makes you feel fancy.

11. My pink UGGs. Ugly, yes. But too comfy to give up! Even in public.

12. Pothos make the best house plants. They always perk up with a little h2o and sunshine. They've got the right idea!

Who knew a night home and $12.71 spent at Publix could make one so happy?

Ahhhh. The simple pleasures.


Anonymous said...

Pink UGGS are not UGLY! They are beautiful and I wish DC had PUBLIX! It's my fave too!

Anonymous said...

Well, I officially hate your new job. While I should be congratulating you, I have decided the new position is what has forced you to pratically stop blogging. Stupid work!

Shannon O said...

I love your blog! It has the best tagline ever. "A Knife and a Fork, A Bottle and a Cork". When I read that I thought to myself, it sounds like she cooks in my kitchen!.

I am an avid watcher of The Bachelor I blog about it too .

I agree, watching the level of neediness in the first few episodes was painful especially when it came to Michelle. ;)

Thanks for sharing!
- Shannon | Confessions of a Loving Wife.