You Are What You Eat

Eat, Drink, and Be Merry!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Another Dee-lish Foodie Web Find!

A big thank you goes to loyal Blonde Appetit reader, Brunette. I think if we were to meet we would be kindred spirits. She used to patron the Rosewood Publix, drink vino around town, relish over Mr. Friendy's specials, and now resides in the Big Apple. She really is a foodie, huh!?!

She introduced me to Taste Spotting!
She was correct!
Blonde Appetit hearts Taste Spotting!
I think I may be going crazy: I am watching Food Network, researching food-orientated web sites, and bloggin' about my online buddies. Brunette, you are the ying to my yang!
Did I mention it is 12:41am?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the kudos! I'm so glad you can now enjoy Tastespotting-it's one of my favorites!
Keep bloggin' and I'll keep reading blonde buddy!