My father carried on his Italian roots through his feisty personality and with food. I can see him right now at the stove putting everything but "the kitchen sink" into a big pot. A dash of this, a dash of that. It was always comfortable and delicious. My dad was stubborn, a little full of s--t, and a whole lot full of life. He could command an audience with a grand story and would let out a hearty laugh. So, although he lost his battle to leukemia a few years back, he had more life experiences in his "little" pinkie finger than many do in their entire lives. One thing he always said was that "you never saw a UHAUL following a hearse." So, live in the moment. Enjoy each day. Say I love you. Say I'm sorry. Pick your battles. And bring your friends and family together with a good meal. If you happen to make my dad's signature spaghetti sauce, know that he is watching and toasting you with a Zambuca. Three coffee beans.
Fancy chips and blue cheese. Any plain gourmet potato chips will do. The Cape Cod plain, 40% less fat are good. Sprinkle chips into a shallow layer in a pretty baking dish. Layer with blue cheese. Repeat until out of chips and top layer is cheese. Bake in oven at 350, keeping your eye on them so that they do not burn. About 15 minutes until cheese is melted. Serve immediately.
1 medium red onion, thinly sliced
4 large tomatoes, sliced
Fresh Mozzarella, thinly sliced
1 bunch fresh basil leaves
Capers, palmful
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Balsamic Vinegar
Salt and pepper, to taste
In a shallow dish, layer onion, tomato, and mozzarella. Place basil leave on cheese. Continue layering until finished. Sprinkle salad with capers. Dress the salad with olive oil and vinegar. Salt and pepper generously. Refrigerate until well chilled.
SICILIAN CHICKEN (my mom's recipe)
4 bone-in chicken breasts
10 Sicilian olives, from the deli
1 large white onion, sliced
4 medium potatoes, quartered
Black Pepper
Olive Oil
2 cloves garlic, diced
Heavily coat the bottom of a large pot with olive oil. Brown both sides of chicken and remove from pot. Add the onion, potatoes, and olives to the pot. Place the chicken back into the pan, bone side up. Sprinkle with garlic and pepper. Bring heat up to high. Cover tightly and bring temperature back down to simmer. Simmer for 1 hour, no peeking! Everything will turn a golden brown. Serve remaining juices over dish.
1 lb. ground beef, turkey, or venison
2 16oz. cans diced tomatoes
1 can tomato paste
1 cup diced mushrooms
1 large onion, diced
1 large pepper, diced
4-6 cloves garlic, chopped
2 tablespoons sugar
Oregano, to taste
Basil, to taste
Thyme, to taste
Crushed red pepper, to taste
Olive oil
Brown meat in olive oil. Chop meat as it browns. When beef is cooked, then drain. Add olive oil to pan Saute onions, peppers, mushrooms, and garlic. Stir with wooden spoon. Add remaining ingredients. Add spices. Remember that cooking increases the flavors. Add meat. Bring to boil, reduce heat and simmer for 45 min., at least. Serve over hot pasta, or macaroni, as my Dad would say! Sauce freezes well.
Love you Daddy. xoxo
Oh my lovely lolita (wait is that Italian?)I love this post. So sweet.
Live in the moment. Enjoy each day. Say I love you. Say I'm sorry. Pick your battles. And bring your friends and family together with a good meal....DEFINITELY words to live by. Thanks for sharing!!
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